Serious Active Shooter Santa Fe Highschool Near Houston

Started by Enigma, May 18, 2018, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 18, 2018

    Seeing some reports of 4 down including an officer. Unconfirmed though.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  2. reesey
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    reesey What You Looking At This For?

    May 18, 2018
    I can't even count how many times a mass shooting thread has been made here in the last 2 months, this mass shooting trend needs to stop ASAP
    Jul 27, 2024
  3. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 18, 2018
    Apparently a guy walked into an art classroom with a shotgun right as school started & began shooting. One witness who was a student saw her friend get shot in the leg.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  4. RetiredAccount
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    RetiredAccount Big Time Stuntin Like My Daddy

    May 18, 2018
    What the f--- is wrong with our country
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    Jul 27, 2024
  5. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 18, 2018
    Also reports that the school was going through a fire drill at the time? Unclear if the shooter caused the fire drill to draw out students or if it was just coincidence. Some students say they were evacuating for the fire drill when they heard gun shots. Teachers tried to tell students to stay put but most of them ran after hearing gun shots. Good choice by the kids, honestly.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  6. Lil Squeed
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    Lil Squeed French Montana Stan

    May 18, 2018
    smfh art class come on man
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    Jul 27, 2024
  7. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 18, 2018
    Correction: a student saw the gunman enter the school & pulled the fire alarm in attempt to warn everybody to get out. Kudos to that kid.
    Jul 27, 2024
  8. reesey
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    reesey What You Looking At This For?

    May 18, 2018
    Who's tryna stand and possibly die so they can find out where the shots coming from :lmaooo:

    The teachers that said that are r-----ed honestly
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    Jul 27, 2024
  9. Worm
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    May 18, 2018
    Doesn't that make it worse? Schools have lockdown procedures for these type of situations. You pull the fire alarm and everyone enters the hallway and becomes a target
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    Jul 27, 2024
  10. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 18, 2018
    Nah, they’re just following protocol. They have to say that. I’m sure a lot of them know that school shooting procedure is useless.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  11. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 18, 2018
    Or everyone is in classrooms as sitting ducks. I think the fire alarm if anything made the shooter panick & not able to operate as efficiently.
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    Slyk, Lil Squeed and reesey like this.
    Jul 27, 2024
  12. reesey
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    reesey What You Looking At This For?

    May 18, 2018
    People will just argue about gun control and nothing will change after this tbh
    Last edited: May 19, 2018
    Jul 27, 2024
  13. CavalierTD
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    May 18, 2018
    Jeez. This s--- never ends. Had a man with a gun show up at my high school once, I feel blessed nothing ended up happening.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  14. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 18, 2018
    Shooter has been arrested btw.
    Jul 27, 2024
  15. Lil Squeed
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    Lil Squeed French Montana Stan

    May 18, 2018
    true and, in this case with a shotgun, I could see being panicked really messing him up....but if I waltzed into a school with an AR and had one target in mind, the fire alarm and crowds sprinting through the hallway could get me all the way f----- up and cause me to start spraying. Unpredictable both ways :jordan:
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    Jul 27, 2024
  16. Lil Squeed
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    Lil Squeed French Montana Stan

    May 18, 2018
    must be white if they didn't k--- him on the spot
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    Jul 27, 2024
  17. reesey
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    reesey What You Looking At This For?

    May 18, 2018
    They should keep him anonymous, they can't be making these school shooters infamous and immortalizing them
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    Jul 27, 2024
  18. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 18, 2018
    I know as a student, I most definitely would not follow school shooting protocol in a situation like this. I much rather my chances running as far away from the school as possible then being locked up in some classroom. f--- that.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  19. M Solo
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    M Solo Fresh Outta London

    May 18, 2018

    Literally don't know how you pull a fire alarm and run off. Kid should have tried to stop the shooter. Save some lives and die a martyr or live a hero. Win/Win in my book. Give me all the smoke.
    Jul 27, 2024
  20. Enigma
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    Enigma Civil liberties > Police safety

    May 18, 2018
    I want to throat punch anybody who says “thoughts & prayers.” Honestly, cut that s--- out.
    Jul 27, 2024