Eminem Big Boy TV Discusses Video Of Eminem's Using The N-Word

Started by Empire State Of Mind, Aug 6, 2018, in Eminem Add to Reading List

  1. Empire State Of Mind
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    Aug 6, 2018
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  2. Spatula
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    Aug 6, 2018
    Black people having priviliged right to use the word while no one is can is r-----ed. Either everyone can use it or no one can. You don't get to own the word.
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  3. Big Dangerous
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    Aug 6, 2018
    You're one of those people that says "if they can call me cracker I should be able to call them n*****" aren't you
    Aug 31, 2024
  4. Big Dangerous
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    Aug 6, 2018
    common lisp and Michael Myers like this.
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  5. GCasper
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    Aug 6, 2018
    f--- Big Boy for bringing this s--- back up for ratings. We already addressed this 20 years ago...
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  6. Michael Myers
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    Aug 6, 2018
    Dumb f---. Altough I do think pple are sensitive about it (or more hypocrite) on here this is bs.
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  7. Big Dangerous
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    Aug 6, 2018
    Some people are so delusional if they can't see the difference in a black person saying it and a non black saying it lol
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    Aug 31, 2024
  8. Michael Myers
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    Aug 6, 2018
    Yeah but on here lots of pple say it but no black person ever seems to care only fellow white pple lmao (i mean the n word w the a).

    Also this whole race s--- is r-----ed if we dropped all of it, would be amazing
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    Aug 31, 2024
  9. Spatula
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    Aug 6, 2018
    Technically, Eminem is black. Grew up in Detroit and his father abandoned them. Skin color is trivial here
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    Aug 31, 2024
  10. BrandonB1415
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    Aug 6, 2018
    So social context and etymology just don't exist for you huh
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  11. Enigma
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    Aug 6, 2018
    I’ve said this consistently: you can say it. There’s nothing stopping you from saying it. However, if you get called out for it & shunned, don’t play victim.
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  12. Evad
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    Aug 6, 2018
    yes all black people have no fathers and grow up in poverty you got it

    growing up in s-----y conditions without a father doesn't f---ing make you black
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    Aug 31, 2024
  13. Evad
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    Aug 6, 2018
    either way stupid video obviously eminem isn't racist, he just was being a hypeman for royce and probably took it too far without thinking

    context is important when (for some reason) analyzing s--- like this
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
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  14. DJ Lithium
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    Aug 6, 2018
    Where i live a lot of blacks allow whites to use the word n----- as a slang term like bro or homie to address them. They dont allow them to say n---- though. For some reason there is a difference :dunno
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  15. dna hits
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    Aug 6, 2018
    If someone black was saying it to try and hurt my feelings I’d call them the word. Only if they deserved it. I have some black friends though and never thought about using it. One wouldn’t care and says it himself but the other couple are pro blm.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
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  16. Kon
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    Aug 6, 2018
    Holy f--- there are a couple REALLY bad posts in this thread.

    On the bright side glad to see everyone is ignoring Eminem or whatever the actual point of this s--- was. Think we’ve all discussed Marshall enough for 10 lifetimes.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  17. Winter
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    Aug 6, 2018
    Worst thread in a long time
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  18. Gimp
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    Aug 6, 2018
    White cacs arguing who can say niga itt
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  19. eddie313
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    eddie313 The Funeral

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  20. eddie313
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