Dec 1, 2015 Out of curiosity, I have been doing mad research over the years trying to figure out what the real story was behind the fall out here. Aside from the excuse that Em was too high to realise that these artists really weren't as good as he thought... It is clear what Stat's story was, and that Em really was supportive of Ca$his (the most out of the three), but we never really heard of or even got a taste of Bobby Creekwater whatsoever. Even using the Re-Up and leaked tracks as a basis, Creekwater was practically never featured. Personally, I think Ca$his was great. I feel sorry for the guy, because with Em, Shady and (potentially) Dre's backing he really couldv'e been a superstar. Even just from the smidgeon of material we heard from him, over that production, he sound ill as F. Reminded me a little of GRODT. Any further clarity/info on this? What was the real reason for the Ca$his departure? Especially considering it was rumoured he would feature on Relapse 2? Anyone reckon there is potential for him to be back? Man, what a pity...
Dec 1, 2015 I know Bobby Creek and Stat started FUPM, but that was a fail... Ca$his is trying, and I thought County Hound 2 and Euthanasia were dope. His latest stuff, not so much... lol. He needs shady production and guidance. P.S @SHUDEYE respect for Die Antwoord, South Africa represent!
Dec 1, 2015 I really liked stat quo and cashis wasn't bad at all...its ashame they never got backed like they should have.
Dec 1, 2015 They're probably sharing the rent with the rest of D12 fighting over who's gonna mow Eminem's lawn.
Dec 1, 2015 One of them I remember told Eminem to reduce his drug use, then Em got angry and kicked him from Shady records. (not sure about the story)
Dec 1, 2015 I thought the same thing. Creekwater on the other hand never had any business having a record deal. Em was obviously high as f--- when he signed him.
Dec 1, 2015 Ca$his has got that permanent GRODT swag... Man, wish Em would help him out. He would've fitted-in with At least a feature on D12 World (if he was around then).
Dec 2, 2015 Relax. Y'all acting like Cashis could of been the next big thing. A big issue for me with Cashis is his voice. A good example of a talented artist that lacks a flexable voice is Lloyd Banks. They just have that same boring voice on every song. These dudes will never be great although they can make good music. They just don't have a voice that catches people's attention.
Dec 2, 2015 @Tonshor , sure Stat Quo's voice was whiny as F... I disagree on the Ca$his factor though.
Dec 2, 2015 Stat Quo could've been like Obie maybe with the songs like Like Dat etc, maybe even more popular than Trice but Cashis ?? He didn't got the look, didn't got kinda voice that people would love easily. Cashis would have been like Yelawolf to Shady in terms of success. But Yela is whole lot better than him. When did Cashis rumoured to be on Relapse 2 ?? Cashis left Shady because he realized the company is dead. And it was dead without Em's involvement. Eminem was the part of the %60 of the projects released by Shady. Shady Projects -- The Slim Shady LP - Eminem The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem Devil's Night - D12 ( %40 of it was like Eminem actually ) The Eminem Show - Eminem 8 Mile - VA ( %25 of it was Eminem ) Get Rich Or Die Tryin' - 50 Cent ( including few verses by Em ) etc But Eminem couldn't keep up with the involvement which caused the Shady Records' hiatus actually. He probably wouldn't want to stay there at the time. But as I remember he left after Em came back from rehab. I guess they simply wished Cashis good luck in his future because he was never gonna worth making album financially.
Dec 2, 2015 @CSA I feel you in term of Shady Records, but to be honest, I think Ca$his and Stat would smash most of these whack artists of today... Fetty Wap? Future? 2 Chainz? The list goes on... These guys do have one or two good tracks but that's not hip-hop, it's not lyrics. 2 Chainz makes me laugh though... haha.