Apr 3, 2018 It's official now. People are going crazy over the ''Framed'' video. There was nothing wrong with the video. It isn't the worst video of all time, but people are saying it is. Unbelievable... And now people are saying he's too old to be making songs like ''Framed.'' Some people are glorifying ''Relapse'' now. And some people hate it. This just proves that Eminem was right in ''Walk on Water.'' Whatever direction he goes, at least half of you are going to complain. Think about it.... There's really no direction he can go. One guy said ''3 AM'' was his best video ever and ''Framed'' was his worst ever. There's really no direction he can go. That's why he made ''Walk on Water.'' Seriously, there just isn't. If he makes a serious MMLP type album you'll say he's too old. If he makes TES type album you'll say it's not hard enough. If he makes a Revival you'll say it's not cohesive. If he makes a funny album you'll say that he's unfunny. There's NOWHERE to GO. If you want him to retire, then fine. But it's his choice and I don't know what your expectations are anymore. You want to be impressed. But whatever direction he goes, you will nitpick anything.
Apr 3, 2018 No matter what bars he comes with we're gonna harp, gripe, and that's a hard Vicodin to swallow Honestly as long as he makes music true to himself and what he wants to do instead of trying to appease the fans then he'd be alright
Apr 3, 2018 Just go on other forums, people are enjoying the video. This forum is slowly dying, legit members are leaving and trollers/r----- are staying. The same thing his happening in Kendrick/Drake/Life etc..
Apr 3, 2018 This exactly. He owes notjijg to anyone except himself. He doesn't need the money, he doesn't need the fame. Let thean do whatever he enjoys.
Apr 3, 2018 True, he should just try to please himself by doing the f--- he wants. He hasn't done this since 2009 and that has clearly affected his musical abilities. If he would actually do the f--- he wants I'm sure he would be able to make decent songs and albums again
Apr 3, 2018 I would be satisfied if he stops remaking the same song with a generic singer and he starts working with some real hip hop artists instead. If he can't do that then he needs to retire. He's not being true to himself, he claims he a student of the genre, well it's time to prove it. No more mainstream top 40 music. give us rap music or just go away.
Apr 3, 2018 I thought Eminem s--- all over Relapse and the accents. 8 years later, here we are, a new horror video, silly voices, murder killing sprees and accents. "Talking to Myself" seems kind of lame now. Can't blame the fans, Eminem promised me he would never let me down again. Then made Southpaw, Shadyxv, MMLP2 and Revival. Just finger f----- me continuously with s-----y release after s-----y release. Eminem is the biggest Troll in the history of Trolls.
Apr 6, 2018 We live in a different time now. Every r----- with a laughable double digit IQ goes online to make negative comments. Eminem is a megastar. Megastars get lots of hate now a days because of the web. They receive plenty of love. Eminem could drop music he recorded from 99-04 and people would react like they did during 2013. Subpar music will garner his reception after Revival. He can't please the r-----s to make his s--- sell like crazy and have casual "fans" say they "love" it anymore. Now a days that isn't the type of music he makes.
Apr 6, 2018 In my opinion, just let the man rap. It's his music. He has proved himself to be one of the GOATs and he did it with his big three albums and later on alot of gems from his later albums which aren't even that bad. If it's good, it's great and if it's not let's move on without shi--ing on him. It doesn't apply on only him though. It's for all the artists. You can't force somebody to rap on a boom bap/Dre beat if he isn't feeling like or if he wants to do some trap s---. Music comes from heart. As long it's genuine, I'd take it in any form. With that being said, Revival was forced for a lot of part.
Apr 6, 2018 W. Taking in Pop stars for personal songs feels like a desperate move for the charts. H can do his pop s---, but not every pop song of him has to be about a fake a--- Relationship. He can drop a single every once in a blue moon with a pop star just to mantain his presence tho.
Apr 8, 2018 Fact: this logic applys to everything. Apple should stop making iPhones because because not everyone likes Apple products. Cable shouldn't exist anymore, because most people are streaming shows . Artists shouldn't release physical cds anymore because most people use streaming audio. Nothing has a hundred percent approval rating.
Apr 8, 2018 Here is the truth about mega-music stars: unless they die tragically, way, way before their time (2pac, Biggie, Janis Joplin, Hendrix, Lennon), they wind up getting sh---ed on by a large percentage of their fanbase: Elvis, The Rolling Stones, Phish, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Eminem, Whitney Houston, Dave Matthews, Paul McCartney, Billy Joel, U2, Springsteen, etc have all caught major s--- from their fans for "falling off". My theory as to why this happens - the older Eminem fan in 2018 that wants the 2002 Eminem back, wants to feel the way they did back in 2002, not the way they feel in 2018. Perhaps they remember bumping TES in 2002 a college dorm room surrounded by different young women every single weekend having the time of their lives. In 2018 they are bumping Revival while sitting in rush hour traffic coming home from a job they hate, while going home to a s-----y marriage. It's the nostaligia for our younger selves that makes us want the "better" Eminem back. Really we just want the better us back.
Apr 8, 2018 I think he could please us if he stops making stupid decisions at every turn and making s--- music. Not doing that would probably help.
Apr 8, 2018 Nah he just needs to make good music again and we’ll be happy But that ship sailed after 2010