Jun 21, 2016 I am looking at high schools in my area right now. I have decided not to go to a public school in my area though, mostly due to my experiences before with public school, and because I want to take as many steps as possible to ensure the types of situations I got myself in never happen again. For example, I have been using S80 less for a few reasons. One of those reasons is because I want to get into the habit of not being on this site too much, so I can be outside and social more often, but most importantly, so when anything school related (with the exception of the eventual "I GOT A GIRLFRIEND FOR REAL THIS TIME!!!" thread gets made), happens to me, I won't come here and make a thread or even mention it. I really don't want my irl activities being mixed with my online activities anymore. Too much drama and issues have started all because of that. Anyway, I am going to be in the 9th Grade! I've already seen what school I want to go to, and I think I will like it and my parents will like it too, hopefully. So... can you guys please tell me what high school is like? What should I do, what should I not do? I have a list of things I will and won't do... Do... -Do use Rubik's Cubes to get friends and impress people. -Do learn. -Do try to stay positive. -Do have a social life. Don't... -Don't treat the girls like pornstars. -Don't mix my online life with real life (Unless, I get a girlfriend, of course) -Don't try to fit in -Don't be annoying -Don't touch anyone else for any reason (especially girls. Girls are like a house of cards when it comes to touching; touch and you're f-----. Everything comes falling down.) -Don't actively try to look for a girlfriend What else should I add to either of these lists? What I really want to know is what to expect, I'm actually scared as f--- about high school. Tests and a ton of classes, girls, getting in trouble, so much will be going down and I don't want to screw up going to my new school...
Jun 21, 2016 You live in Atlanta right? Make sure your girlfriend doesn't have AIDs if you manage to get one.
Jun 21, 2016 If your "friends" are impressed by a f---ing rubic cube, you're hanging out with the wrong people
Jun 21, 2016 lol I'd have nothing to worry about. What would a teen girl be doing having unprotected sex? Spoiler: Seriously tho You're right I guess, I need to be careful with that./SPOILER] Why not? I can solve it in less than a minute now and it usually impresses people. Cube skills - instant friends I still don't feel like I actually threatened to do that. Yes, I did mention I had an idea of how it would all go down in my head but I literally never said I would do that. I don't want to go any further with this topic, as I've done so enough already, so I'll just stop.
Jun 21, 2016 A teen girl has no business having unprotected sex, but a real n----- does. If you a true man then you're gonna raw dog that b----, pull out and spray on her face. Ya feel me holmes?
Jun 21, 2016 #Realmenplayitsafeiftheyarenotinacommittedrelationshipduetostisandorhildrenbeingapotentialthreadtounprotectedsex
Jun 21, 2016 You should get detention at least once though. It's pretty chill and it's funny to hear what people are in there for. Also try to get in school suspension cause then you have a personal bodyguard for the whole day watching you do work and watching you eat like they're your b----.
Jun 21, 2016 kick back & be yourself w/o being cringey & tryhard & u should be fine. & be self aware. High school is chill af if u do these things