Metal Gear Survive (What the f---?!)

Started by Lucy, Aug 17, 2016, in Entertainment Add to Reading List

  1. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Aug 17, 2016

    Yeah like, actually what the f---? @Final @Winter @Alchemist34 lol wtf is this????
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    Sep 7, 2024
  2. RichieDolo
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    Aug 17, 2016
    excited for a new metal gear
    Depressed this is what its resorted to
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  3. Winter
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    Aug 17, 2016
    Resident Evil Solid
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  4. Alchemist34
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    Alchemist34 DO MY HEAD

    Aug 17, 2016
    There could be a Metal Gear Nintendogs and I'd still buy it
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  5. Winter
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    Winter Super Comfy

    Aug 17, 2016
    Oh yeah don't get me wrong, I'll buy it. But I'll feel bad about it as I do
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  6. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Aug 17, 2016
    I think multiplayer coop survival with MGSV gameplay would be fun as f--- (will likely buy the game). But doing this to the MGS IP is so f---ing r-----ed loooooool what the f---

    How did we go from 'Tactical Espionage Action' to 'prevent the metallic-archae-different-dimension-zombie-warriors'
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  7. Winter
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    Winter Super Comfy

    Aug 17, 2016
    Reminder that Kojima wanted to make a game exactly like this
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  8. CallMeSas
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    Aug 17, 2016
    And then you remember that Kojima is not with Konami
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  9. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Aug 17, 2016
    maybe his big "taboo" thing was that the ips of MGS and Silent Hill were getting buttsmashed into the same universe. (I would of been totally fine with this, considering MGS had it's story over and done with, with 4. It could of just been a non-serious idea, that turned into an actual decent game.)

    Like, if MGSV had you playing through normally, but certain events trigger hallucinations that make you have to do silent hill esque s--- would of been pretty cool imo.
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  10. Winter
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    Winter Super Comfy

    Aug 17, 2016
    Just saying, a lot of people are acting like this is some crazy left field idea that Kojima never would've touched, but he was into it
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  11. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Aug 17, 2016
    IMO it'd make a lot of sense if Konami told Kojima "wer gon fire u" and told him he had to make the MGS story line split, so they can make the MGS IP a zombie game IP without ruining the franchise
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  12. CallMeSas
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    Aug 17, 2016
    when konami took kojimas name off all the cover art for mgs 5>>
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  13. Winter
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    Winter Super Comfy

    Aug 17, 2016
    I want this to be good so I'm grasping at straws, but in Konami's defence it's not going to be a full price release, and they straight up said it's set in an alternate universe so it won't effect the story of the other games at all
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  14. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Aug 17, 2016
    When Konami released a HD rendered trailer for MGS3... only to reveal at the end, they are rendered cutscenes for a Pachinko Machine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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  15. CallMeSas
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    Aug 17, 2016
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  16. Big Dangerous
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    Aug 17, 2016
    So lame...RIP MGS IP

    lot of great games and memories

    Looking forward to what Kojima cooks up in the future
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  17. The Gooch
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    The Gooch Gucci FlipFlops (aka Rap Game's Steven Adams)

    Aug 17, 2016
    I'm kinda excited tbh
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  18. Winter
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    Winter Super Comfy

    Sep 17, 2016

    Looks kinda fun honestly. @Coco @FIN
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    Sep 7, 2024
  19. Big Dangerous
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    Sep 17, 2016
    lame cop out
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  20. 831's Finest
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    Sep 17, 2016
    Get this where The Sorrow is heavily involved & it actually might make some sense, as of right now though this is how I feel about Konami...

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