Sep 15, 2018 No matter how hard Eminem goes off, MGK can just write on his twitter that he's not impressed. He rated it a 6. And now MGK is going to release a new EP and rap about Eminem again. What does it take for Eminem to impress MGK? MGK just won't give up. I must admit, this is a bizarre feud.
Sep 15, 2018 I thought he was gonna admit he lost wtf.... What a weird strategy by MGK to call a diss track made towards him to be trash.
Sep 15, 2018 wants attention put towards his ep, and no one is gonna pay attention otherwise because very few ppl care about mgk outside of the drama legit not that confusing
Sep 15, 2018 Yo MGK if you come around this forum : you are a worthless horseshit bag Nobody cares about you trying to rap. You are the new Vanilla Ice, except you aint dropped a hot single, and never will. You can't f--- with real rappers and I'm not even talking about big cheeses like Eminem. You won't build a career about that diss s---. Get a job, for Christ's sake.
Sep 15, 2018 What did you guys expect him to say? "Your diss was way better, you murdered me and I will retire now"? How did you not expect MGK to respond back? If someone disses you, even if it's someone as big as Em, are you just gonna go into fetal position and admit he beat you? This is like a golden opportunity for him to cash on this beef now that Eminem has responded. Seriously, you guys have a b---- mentality and zero competitive spirit.
Sep 15, 2018 literally nobody in Aus knew who MGK was until the diss songs. this is the biggest MGK has ever gotten and probably going to make him beyond rich (watch his next tape/ep/album do bigger numbers than his entire discog) should just call himself WGK at this point cause hes stacking dubyas
Sep 16, 2018 what does he have going for him as an artist that would make ppl want to check outside of ppl being invested in the beef lmao. like he's irrelevant now but people literally forget he had decent hits 5 years ago because his musics just f---ing s--- and is that forgettable u hear me