Quitting vaping

Started by The Moon Man, Mar 2, 2018, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. The Moon Man
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    The Moon Man Out of my mind

    Mar 2, 2018
    I quit smoking three years ago with the intention of vaping for a while before being totally smoke free but now I am addicted to the vape and I just can’t seem to quit it. Anybody here have any advise to help me? It’s just so accessible and even after a day off it, I feel terrible, I really need to give it up.
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  2. 1999
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    Mar 2, 2018
    Don't they have different levels, just get the lower level and slowly get off of it.
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  3. 1999
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    Mar 2, 2018
    good luck
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  4. Sign Language
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    Mar 2, 2018
    Cold turkey. The first three days will s--- but after that the worst is behind you. Good luck.
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  5. Relax
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    Mar 2, 2018
    This. I have never been that into vaping but a friend of mine literally couldn't go a day without it and he is on day 40 without it now. He said first week was terrible after that it was pretty easy
    Jul 26, 2024
  6. 1999
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    Mar 2, 2018
    Vaping is overrated imo, I don't smoke often but vaping just gives you headaches w/o the buzz. It's cool not tasting nasty a--- tobacco tho
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  7. attila
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    Mar 2, 2018
    I vaped awhile back, wasn’t really a big smoker or smoked at all for that matter, I did it for about a good 3 months then threw the vape away, didn’t think about it at all....

    Several months down the road tho I went into a vape shop and bought one again, lol, but if I feel the need to threw it away then I will, never got hooked on it, I don’t know how this can help you by “throwing it in a trash can & quitting” but just thought I’d share
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  8. Gimp
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    Mar 2, 2018
    good luck, vaping looks lame af tbh. I only have experience quitting weed and separating your self from other people who smoke/vap while you're trying to quit is the advice i would give.
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  9. JEB
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    Mar 2, 2018
    I use my vape strictly to keep my smoking cigarettes down. Maybe like 3-4 cigs a day. But when I go out to a bar, I don't want to be that guy vaping, and always smoke too many cigs. quitting is so hard, good luck to ya
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  10. nunofherdeiro
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    Mar 2, 2018
    I brought it , spent a week vaping , got bored of it.
    Just quit it, throw it in the trash like im about to do.
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  11. 83837477
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    Mar 2, 2018
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  12. eddie313
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    eddie313 The Funeral

    Mar 2, 2018
    Takes 2 weeks without exercise to get over the side effects from the withdrawals and a week with exercise
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    Mar 2, 2018
    Hopefully your d-ck will grow back
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  14. icecube
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    Mar 3, 2018
    @the kid on mars drop the nicotine levels down on it. You'll vape like crazy for the first couple of weeks but your body will get used to it. 6 months later drop it down another level and repeat the same process. Keep going until you reach 0mg nicotine and then all you've got to do it break the actual habit rather than the addiction.

    It may take some years but it's the o my way you'll get off it for good.

    I can vouch for this as this is exactly what I done. Smoked for over 10 years of my life. Now smoke and vape free for over 3 years.
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  15. Xmipod
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    Mar 3, 2018
    Smoking is for f--s
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  16. Relax
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    Mar 3, 2018
    I mean the buzz is alright for me and I never get headaches. I only do it for the social thing tho. In white suburbs you become a p---- if you dont vape its kind of f----- lol
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    Jul 26, 2024
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    Mar 3, 2018
    be a man and smoke cigarettes
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  18. Alchemist34
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    Alchemist34 DO MY HEAD

    Mar 3, 2018
    I'd vape if vape devices were shaped like cigarettes so it's just like smoking instead of the r-----ed and big designs they have
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  19. The Moon Man
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    The Moon Man Out of my mind

    Mar 4, 2018
    I’ve dropped down the lowest nicotine level now and going to go cold turkey after this bottle! Thanks for the help
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    Jul 26, 2024