A$AP [TBA] A$AP Rocky - Praise The Lord (feat. Skepta)

Started by Juan Pablo, Mar 27, 2018, in Music Add to Reading List

  1. Juan Pablo
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    Mar 27, 2018

    Last edited: May 6, 2018
    Rebeliant likes this.
    Rebeliant likes this.
    Aug 31, 2024
  2. Tarvis Scatt
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    Tarvis Scatt I love you

    Mar 27, 2018
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    Aug 31, 2024
  3. Juan Pablo
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    May 6, 2018
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  4. dg93
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    May 6, 2018
    Rocky boring af now
    and imagine listening to a Uk rapper.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  5. OwI
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    OwI I was riding on a bike on a very late night

    May 6, 2018
    Wtf is rocky doing! He really fell off for good now
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    Aug 31, 2024
  6. pluto✰
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    pluto✰ where the opioids?

    May 6, 2018
    sounds awful
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    Aug 31, 2024
  7. Cyreides
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    Cyreides gfy

    May 6, 2018
    just release the f---ing album u c----
    Jay Zeus, Arran and Juan Pablo like this.
    Jay Zeus, Arran and Juan Pablo like this.
    Aug 31, 2024
  8. Juan Pablo
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    May 6, 2018
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  9. Jay Zeus
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    Jay Zeus I am the god-favored weed strain

    May 7, 2018
    He scared he about to lose his whole fanbase after droppin' this mediocre s---, neggah. Have only liked A$AP Forever.
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    Aug 31, 2024
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    May 7, 2018
    Skepta ain’t bad coming from someone who hates all that Harry Potter spell casting bs
    Last edited: May 7, 2018
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    Aug 31, 2024
  11. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    May 7, 2018
    hey 2016 drake called and said u guys are fa----s. just got called a f-- by a poofta. how's that feel?
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    Aug 31, 2024
  12. OwI
    Posts: 17,220
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    OwI I was riding on a bike on a very late night

    May 8, 2018
    What in the f--- are you talking about
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    Aug 31, 2024