What's Your Favorite R&B Album?

Started by reesey, Apr 7, 2018, in Music Add to Reading List

  1. reesey
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    reesey What You Looking At This For?

    Apr 7, 2018
    My favorite one so far is Sonder Son
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    Aug 31, 2024
  2. Jakepaulerforlifelogang
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    Apr 7, 2018
    I thought you retired
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  3. reesey
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    reesey What You Looking At This For?

    Apr 7, 2018
    Some people think I love CP when I just posted a pic of game on the toilet on Discord, I actually wasn't on Motherless, I was in their Discord the whole time laughing my a--- off, but they kicked me out the Discord because they think I'm on that CP s---, can you screenshot this post and put it in Quacc's Discord
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    Aug 31, 2024
  4. Michael Myers
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    Michael Myers Moderator

    Apr 7, 2018
    Anti up there
    Aug 31, 2024
  5. Charlie Work
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    Charlie Work Level 5 Goblin

    Apr 7, 2018
    Ordinary Joel, Trackz and reesey like this.
    Ordinary Joel, Trackz and reesey like this.
    Aug 31, 2024
  6. reesey
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    reesey What You Looking At This For?

    Apr 7, 2018
    This up there too
    Aug 31, 2024
  7. HappyTreeFriends
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    HappyTreeFriends hi guys ;)

    Apr 7, 2018
    Real af
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    Aug 31, 2024
  8. Jakepaulerforlifelogang
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    Apr 7, 2018
    Tgey kicked you out u didnt leave?
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    Aug 31, 2024
  9. reesey
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    reesey What You Looking At This For?

    Apr 7, 2018
    Nope I was kicked out because they thought I posted CP
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    Aug 31, 2024
  10. G H I L
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    G H I L I’m the black Christian Grey

    Apr 9, 2018
    4B7DEBCF-A454-4378-A39A-BA82F67F0700.jpeg B3E0F1C4-30D1-4DC2-AD16-C483A2E933A0.jpeg
    Best 2 OAT
    Aug 31, 2024
  11. Gimp
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    Apr 9, 2018
    Blonde or hob, don't really listen to rnb much.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  12. Somethin Wicked
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    Apr 13, 2018
    My favorite current R&B album is Ro James - El Dorado.

    My favorite of all time might be Mary's Share My World.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  13. Groovy Tony
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    Groovy Tony Grandma's baby Eddie Kane

    Apr 13, 2018
    Ro James is underrated
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  14. Somethin Wicked
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    Apr 13, 2018
    Yes, he is. Most people I know have never even heard of him.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  15. Groovy Tony
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    Groovy Tony Grandma's baby Eddie Kane

    Apr 13, 2018
    My favorite of all time is probably
    Aug 31, 2024
  16. Somethin Wicked
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    Apr 13, 2018
    I was literally gonna say my favorite of all time would be either Share My World or Confessions! I went with Mary though. Seems we may have similar tastes in music.
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    Aug 31, 2024
  17. Groovy Tony
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    Groovy Tony Grandma's baby Eddie Kane

    Apr 13, 2018
    That we do my friend. Mary Js album was a classic
    Aug 31, 2024
  18. KLD3816
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    KLD3816 Love yourz.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Aug 31, 2024
  19. KLD3816
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    KLD3816 Love yourz.

    Apr 13, 2018
    No probably for me. This my favorite
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    Aug 31, 2024