Wisdom Teeth

Started by Lucy, Feb 9, 2018, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Feb 9, 2018
    sup fellas, got 3 of these c---- almost through. 1 just popped through the other day. but the last one is a f---ing dumb c---- and it's growing out of my jaw sideways.

    So i'm pretty sure i need it surgically removed, but i'm a bit reluctant to pay $300 to the dentist, $120 per hour to an anesthesiologist and then a couple hundred on top of that for other dumb f--- fees

    So anyways I'm kinda feeling like if i wiggle and yank the f---er everyday for a few months i can eventually rip it out - I had to do the same once before when an adult tooth grew in front of a baby tooth when i was a teen. once it was fairly loose I shoved a lever in there and pushed that f---er down till it catapulted the tooth out of my gum.

    what do you guys reckon I should do?
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  2. relapse 2
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    Feb 9, 2018
    rip it out with ye f---ing pliers mate ya crazy straya c----
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  3. Enigma
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    Feb 9, 2018
    I’d get it surgically removed. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a lot of problems with teeth alignment & they’re difficult to clean which can lead to a cavity & what not. If it’s just one tooth getting removed, you can tell them to just numb you & not put you to sleep. It won’t take that long, probably about ~30-45 min. I got fam that works in the dental field so yeah.
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  4. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Feb 9, 2018
    i dont think pliers would fit back there

    i'm gonna go with a hard f--- that. i got a fucken phobia of needles and a mild phobia of surgery while awake. not sure why. but that's pretty much why i have to get an anesthesiologist. like if they started cutting it out while i was awake i'd probs get halfway through before jumping out the seat and doing a runner
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  5. Gimp
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    Feb 9, 2018
    nah fam, if you did it your self it will hurt a shitload more and may lead to even more hefty dentist fees

    teeth aint worth f---ing with
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  6. JEB
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    Feb 9, 2018
    Just s--- it up and pay for it. I had to get all 4 removed
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  7. Boos
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    Boos Nova Nation

    Feb 9, 2018
    Got my wisdom teeth out in the summer of 2016. I woke up in the middle but don't really remember anything besides the doctor closing my eyes. The dreams were so intense it felt like I was hopping dream to dream like inception. When it was over and I was allowed to wake up, I remember just thinking "I gotta tell all my boys to get their wisdom teeth out," cause that s--- felt awesome. Then when I sobered up I said f--- that idea was stupid as s--- and binged watched game of thrones for the first time while on my a--- from the prescribed pills
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  8. Enigma
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    Feb 9, 2018
    Was the same way when I was younger but i’ve gotten over it as I got older. When I was like 5, I had to get some cavities filled & I don’t numb easily so they had to give me 13 shots in my mouth & strap me down to a chair. Was absolutely terrified of needles for years after that.
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  9. aquaberryares
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    aquaberryares one time I made sex

    Feb 9, 2018
    Antagonize a local kangaroo til he smacks the s--- and the tooth out u

    I had like a 3 hour surgery when I was like 17 to remove one. Just remember Dr kept saying "f---, we shoulda waited" I passed out on my front porch when I got home

    Het c---- u still make graphic art?
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  10. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Feb 9, 2018
    :what22: I don't get this mindset, whenever I have to drop a s--- ton of money on something i think of other s--- the money could go towards, for example, "hmmm i can buy a cheap car or get a tooth removed hmmm" and when you think of it like that, i want a car.

    i haven't done it in a while, but yes I can me brooda. Actually i got a new GPU and windows 10 now so I can probably do it easier and actually have my tablet work without having to f--- around for 2 hours everytime i wanna use it

    yeah maybe. The dentist said i had to get that overlapping adult/baby tooth removed, proved them wrong then.
    dentist said I NEEDED bracers cause my teeth will be crooked when i'm adult (I have one out of place tooth in the bottom row of my mouth and idc about it and it's also given more space for my wisdom teeth to grow thru without complications (apart from the one sideways c---- in the top row))
    My dentist was chinese though so maybe i should go to a different one
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  11. Cyreides
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    Cyreides gfy

    Feb 9, 2018
    Had all 4 removed in 2016.

    Had to have them put me under, there was no way in h--- I was gonna be awake during that s---
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  12. aquaberryares
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    aquaberryares one time I made sex

    Feb 9, 2018
    Have u ever tried to sell anything?
    I was looking at some local artists paintings and I kinda liked this dudes paintings but when I emailed him his personal email said Patel so I figured he was Indian and i didn't want to give my hard earned money to a indian
    Aug 31, 2024
  13. CJ Poe
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    Feb 9, 2018
    I still have mine

    so far no problems
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  14. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Feb 9, 2018
    Yeah I painted a book cover for a lady in Western Australia for $500. that's like the most i've ever earned from a single painting. most of the stuff i've sold wasn't that expensive though. like i've sold A4 canvas prints for around $100-$150. But yeah haven't pursued it too much past couple years just cause my PC turned into a cuntbox. If you want to buy something off a non-indian hit ya boy up
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  15. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Feb 9, 2018
    also cheers for the reminder that my PC is different now, when it's not f---ing HOT later on i'll have a sus of my tablet make sure it works
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  16. aquaberryares
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    aquaberryares one time I made sex

    Feb 9, 2018
    I'll pm u later
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  17. Lucy
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    Lucy #1

    Feb 9, 2018
    mad c----
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  18. Trackz
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    Trackz BARCODE

    Feb 9, 2018
    Got all my wisdom teeth pulled. I've had a couple root canals done too. Thankfully I have a high tolerance for pain, because all of that stuff sucks.
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  19. Worm
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    Worm Big Perm Big Worm

    Feb 9, 2018
    I have one that came in horizontally impacted. Dentist said if they remove it they have to cut it in to sections and cut the f--- out of my gum and possibly cause nerve damage. It doesn't bother me that much so I'm trying not to go through that s---. More like r-----ed teeth amirite
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    SHUDEYE Kerser is the sickest.

    Feb 9, 2018
    It's good to see there's still some smart people in the world. From one non-indian/normal person to another, thank you.
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    Aug 31, 2024