Wrestling WWE Backlash 2018 (Live Now)

Started by tomroe93, May 6, 2018, in Sports Add to Reading List

  1. tomroe93
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    May 6, 2018
    Alpha likes this.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  2. King of Kings
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    King of Kings Who Dey

    May 6, 2018
    im feeling a 6 on this card right now
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    Jul 27, 2024
  3. tomroe93
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    May 6, 2018
    Rollins and Miz are opening the show
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  4. Epitome
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    Epitome Quality (posting) over quantity

    May 6, 2018
    Fuuuuuck I forgot to put in my predictions...is it too late??
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    Jul 27, 2024
  5. King of Kings
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    King of Kings Who Dey

    May 6, 2018
    im so mad i didnt take a screenshot but half hr ago on wiki it was listed as Seth Rollins Vs. Lil Pump
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    Jul 27, 2024
  6. Gloku
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    Gloku FuckOnYaBabyMama

    May 6, 2018
    This match is ridiculously good
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    Sign Language, Epitome and tomroe93 like this.
    Jul 27, 2024
  7. tomroe93
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    May 6, 2018
    Good match. Miz is being on SD made the result way too predictable though
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    Jul 27, 2024
  8. Epitome
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    May 6, 2018
    The crowd in NJ is always amazing I love when they go there for PPVs
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    Jul 27, 2024
  9. tomroe93
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    May 6, 2018
    Apparently Reigns vs Joe is headlining over AJ/Shinsuke LOL
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  10. Epitome
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    Epitome Quality (posting) over quantity

    May 6, 2018
    I saw this too someone posted their run sheet...maybe there is some kind of angle planned for the end of the show? Hopefully?
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    Jul 27, 2024
  11. tomroe93
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    May 6, 2018
    Jesus what a painful looking Swanton Bomb. Also shout out to Orton for not taking the Twist of Fate like a Stunner, that's been bugging me
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    Alpha, Epitome and Sign Language like this.
    Jul 27, 2024
  12. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    May 6, 2018
    LOL f--- wwe
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    Jul 27, 2024
  13. Gloku
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    Gloku FuckOnYaBabyMama

    May 6, 2018
    This is probably the best wwe ppv (not including NXT) in like 2 years atleast so far lmfao
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    Jul 27, 2024
  14. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    May 6, 2018
    Can someone tel me when it's almost time for AJ?? Gonna watch
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    Jul 27, 2024
  15. tomroe93
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    May 6, 2018
    2 more matches before AJ. Bryan/Cass next and then Carmella/Charlotte
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    Jul 27, 2024
  16. tomroe93
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    May 6, 2018
    @Big Dangerous AJ/Nak is next
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    Jul 27, 2024
  17. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    May 6, 2018
    I'm in
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    Jul 27, 2024
  18. tomroe93
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    May 6, 2018
    Sounds like they finally mixed the vocals on Shinsuke's theme a little better
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    Jul 27, 2024
  19. Epitome
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    May 6, 2018
    On one hand it feels like Nakamura’s time as a heel to win the title, on the other I really want a AJ/Joe title feud with Joe eventually going over so I’m torn on who I want to win
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    Jul 27, 2024
  20. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    May 6, 2018
    I say shin wins and AJ and joe feud over contendership for the title
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    Jul 27, 2024