Wrestling WWE Summerslam 8/19 7est/4p

Started by Kon, Aug 11, 2018, in Sports Add to Reading List

  1. Kon
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    Aug 11, 2018

    Universal Champion Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns


    WWE Champion AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe


    Raw Women's Champion Alexa Bliss vs. Ronda Rousey


    Braun Strowman vs. Kevin Owens: Money in the bank contract on the line


    Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler vs. Seth Rollins


    SmackDown Women’s Champion Carmella vs. Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch (Triple Threat Match)


    United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Jeff Hardy


    Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz


    WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander vs. Drew Gulak


    Finn Bálor vs. Constable Baron Corbin


    SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Bludgeon Brothers vs. The New Day


    Rusev & Lana vs. Andrade “Cien” Almas & Zelina Vega (SummerSlam Kickoff Match)


    I'm excited for some of the card, some I don't care for. Both women's matches, AJ/Joe, Kevin/Braun and Miz/Bryan are the ones I'm interested in..I guess Seth/Dolph too. Roman/Brock is kinda interesting to see what happens with Heyman and kinda curious about Brock, gotta assume Roman finally wins but WWE's been so weird with this so who knows. I'm really hoping Owens wins the contract earlier in the night, and then cashes in if Roman wins.

    Does Ronda win the championship here or do they hold off on that? If she doesn't, Alexa's win will almost definitely not be clean, maybe Natalya costs Ronda the match and they feud for a bit? Haven't followed the women's feud on SD but curious to see how that one goes too.

    I hope Samoa Joe wins the title, haven't watched smackdown at all so don't know anything about that feud though. I heard the recent Miz/Bryan storyline has been underwhelming, but that story's been building for a long time anyways so I'm curious to see how the match goes. Wouldn't surprise me if Miz wins using some dirty tactics and the feud continues.

    The card's actually better than I expected honestly, i know most of us myself included haven't been watching but hopefully this will be a good show at least.
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  2. Epitome
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    Aug 12, 2018
    Very stoked for AJ/Joe. The build has been whatever but its crazy to think this is the first match in history to take place for the ROH Title, TNA Title, and WWE title.
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  3. tomroe93
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    Aug 12, 2018
    Gonna watch, mainly for AJ and Joe but I'm off work next Sunday so I'll try to sit through the whole event. I think the s--- is supposed to be like 7 hours though so we'll see
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  4. Kon
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    Aug 12, 2018
    Yeah I think it's 4 hours plus another 2 hour preshow again. I'm gonna have to take breaks throughout it all, probably skip most of the preshow completely.

    By the way, finding out who potentially is the next 'Heyman guy'(maybe even girl) is one of the interesting things bout this show. Obviously he could stick with Brock if Brock sticks around, but it's also possible he sides with Roman. I guess Roman said in an interview recently he doesn't wanna be a Heyman guy, but that could be a work and a swerve for this weekend. I've also heard KO and Braun mentioned as possibilities for Heyman, both of which could happen if they leave as champ this Sunday. Then Heyman being the mouth piece for Ronda seems possible too, although I don't know how that could happen this Sunday unless Ronda main events, which I doubt.

    Probably nothing will happen that quick tbh, but seems possible this weekend at least so it's got me curious.
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  5. Big Dangerous
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    Aug 12, 2018
    I think (and keep in mind I have hardly watched WWE in months) that Brock will win again and then maybe Heyman brings out Braun who cashes in and he's the new Heyman guy.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  6. Kon
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    Aug 12, 2018
    I feel like if they went this route, wouldn’t they be more likely to have Roman beat Brock 1st? Not only does it achieve their purpose of Reigns finally ‘slaying the beast’ but also sets up a potential Roman/Braun feud for the title and (in their mind) makes the fans feel bad for Roman, which makes him more ‘likeable’ lol.
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  7. Big Dangerous
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    Aug 12, 2018
    Well yeah, Brock or Roman goes over doesnt matter could be either. I was just going with the whole Brock turning on Heyman thing I saw last week and Heyman would stick it to him after he wins again

    Though with how WWE has done it the past few years...Braun will cash in during the end of the match and make it a triple threat. Heyman sees Brock and Roman fighting to a draw (maybe Roman has the upper hand or is about to win?) and Heyman brings out Braun for a swerve
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    Jul 27, 2024
  8. Zebedee
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    Aug 12, 2018
    “The miz” is still a thing? Lmfao
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  9. tomroe93
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    Aug 12, 2018
    It's a long shot but I hope Dean is the next Heyman guy
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  10. Epitome
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    Aug 13, 2018
    I’m with you...even though WWE has burned me too many times to assume something will happen, I’m intrigued. Especially the ending of the Heyman interview with Renee last week when he paused saying “Roman has no chance to beat Brock, unless.....” as he walked away. If they actually pull the trigger on a Roman heel turn it would be monumental s--- lol

    Really good idea I hadn’t thought of that before...Braun desperately needs to go back heel he’s lame af as a face and having Heyman talk for him would be awesome.

    My idea was Owens somehow wins the briefcase from Braun earlier in the night, by dq or whatever. Then after Roman beats Brock, Heyman low blows him to set up Owens running down and cashing in to take the title and join Heyman. I know Owens can talk on his own but I think him and Heyman would make a great heel unit just like Heyman and Punk did.
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  11. Pinhead
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    Aug 14, 2018
    A 13 match show with two or three matches worth watching. Astounding when you really think about it.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  12. Kon
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    Aug 14, 2018
    I expected the card to be worse than it is honesty, feel like WWE did a good job here all things considered. I’m interested in bout half the feuds, not bad for someone who hardly watched at all the last couple months.

    Anyways after watching raw I don’t think Roman being the next Heyman guy is too likely anymore. They’d want it to be more of a ‘surprise’ if it were to happen imo.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  13. Big Dangerous
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    Aug 14, 2018
    Which is why it will be Braun
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    Jul 27, 2024
  14. Kon
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    Aug 15, 2018
    My guess is it’ll be no one right away at least, or still Brock.

    But yea I’d be okay with Ronda, KO or Braun. I almost feel like Ronda makes the most sense long term, although Braun does too but WWE needs to be sure they trust him enough to be the champ long term before they go through with it.
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  15. Epitome
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    Aug 15, 2018
    Man that angle on Raw with Heyman was so good until the end. As always they f----- it up.

    It should have ended right after Heyman said whatever he did to Roman in samoan and handed him the paper. At least it would have left it a question as to what was gonna happen at SS. I mean obviously Roman teaming with Paul was the longest of long shots but at least leave it a question going into the match to add some intrigue...especially when instead all they did was the same old Brock beat down that happens on every go home of a ppv.

    Side note- Holy s--- did Brock look skinny now that he’s back in the USADA testing pool
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    Jul 27, 2024
  16. Pinhead
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    Aug 15, 2018
    AJ/Joe is literally all I care about. Miz/Bryan build has been horrendous, nothing else on SmackDown. Ziggler/Rollins killed their feud last PPV. Brock/Roman is a joke. Just a nothing card top to bottom.

    Where's the NXT thread

    We got like four guaranteed great matches on a 5 card show
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  17. Epitome
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    Aug 15, 2018
    Takeover is gonna be fire.

    I’ve seen Ricochet vs Cole live at PWG before and it was incredible...I can’t wait to see what they do on a bigger stage.

    I’m bummed Aleister got hurt because we’ve seen Gargano vs. Ciampa a lot lately and even though they always deliver, the triple threat would have been so dope.

    Meltzer did say, though, that the Last Man Standing match was booked for the last Takeover but when AJ vs Nakamura LMS was then booked for the PPV that same weekend, Vince said NXT couldn’t do the same match...so basically they already had a whole LMS match ready that they can do Saturday and they won’t have to throw something together last minute.
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  18. Pinhead
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    Aug 15, 2018
    Yeah, HHH talked about asking if they were doing a ladder match on the main roster Mania weekend and the headache clearing those things are during some conference call. Not sure how much of the match was worked out and circumstances have changed, but I'm sure it'll be great.

    Moustache Mountain match will be phenomenal, and Dream/EC3 has apparently been very good on the house shows. Only question mark is the Shayna/Kairi, but their prior matches have been fine.


    What show was that Cole/Ricochet match? Dave mentioned it too, but I'm only seeing that GOAT six man they were involved in.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2018
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    Jul 27, 2024
  19. dna hits
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    Aug 15, 2018
    Idk whether I’m going to get wwe network for Summerslam yet or not. Joe and styles should be a good match. I’ll just be pissed as f--- if I watch and roman wins and it’ll ruin the whole event for me. I’m leaning more towards a Braun cash in which isn’t as bad as Roman winning. I think with Brock wanting to stay part time with the wwe that he may remain champ for now. He’s now allowed in the ufc until late December when his suspension is up. He looks a lot more cut now. Clearly been training.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  20. Kon
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    Aug 15, 2018
    Yeah I mean as s-----y as it is that we’re getting Roman/Brock part 4 or whatever the h--- it is(not even counting last years summerslam with the fatal 4 way), at least there are some interesting possibilities story wise for how it ends.

    Unfortunately I still think the most likely possibility is Roman winning, just not sure if there’d be a KO or Braun cash in after. I did hear someone mention the idea that Vince would wanna keep Brock around a little longer to kinda ‘one up’ UFC or whatever, Vince is apparently petty like that. I’d love if Brock wins again just to lol @ the whole Roman situation, but not sure why they’d do this match AGAIN just to have Brock win again. Hope you at least watch it with us Trent, can always stream it if you don’t wanna order the network.

    Also we will probably just use this thread for takeover I assume.
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