Apr 22, 2018 Check out @shannonrwatts’s Tweet: Check out @chrisgrady5’s Tweet: Check out @cnnbrk’s Tweet: Ok
Apr 22, 2018 He's usually the person that says we need guns in case the U.S. sends tanks in or North Korea takes over
Apr 22, 2018 Idk who @Cactus Jack is or why he is acting like he knows me These types of laws are the laws that should be changed. These laws are the stupid ones, this guy shouldnt be able to buy a gun. I dont think open carry for rifles should be allowed anywhere. I am not too familiar with this "loophole" that people are saying so ill need to do research. Taking away guns is not the answer to fixing this though Anyways RIP to the people that died.
Apr 22, 2018 Tbh if I worked at a gun store and someone with that hair cut walked in I would tell them to leave People should be scared of the haircut. Its a warning sign
Apr 22, 2018 I’m wondering what’s the cause vs effect on this: Does getting that haircut cause someone to commit a mass shooting or does someone get that haircut because they will commit a mass shooting?