Apr 23, 2018 @LifeSXN Last thread today, this is a serious question. Uh do you guys ever feel like a disappointment, like just feel like you aren't s---. I wanna know Spoiler omg why the f--- am I so open to people
Apr 23, 2018 I don't know if it can help, but I think it's okay not to be satisfied with who you are - trying to make myself a better person makes my own existence very interesting
Apr 23, 2018 Not really. Got a few things i need to improve on but i don’t consider myself to be a disappointment.
Apr 23, 2018 I feel like a disappointment 24/7, which is why I isolate myself and don't talk to anyone except to random strangers online. I spend every waking moment tearing myself down for no reason.
Apr 23, 2018 Not really. Although if i compare at different times of my life ,i feel like i was doing a lot better . But still i work hard everyday just to improve myself and to show other people that if i can do it, so can they.
Apr 23, 2018 Yeah. But I realized that at least I didnt let nas down. If you feel like that, lower your expectations to just fill your basic needs.
Apr 23, 2018 >not born into greek mythos >not the ghost of sparta >havent become god of war yet >no son d--- its like i should just k--- myself
Apr 23, 2018 my parents have expressed to me before how much of a disappointment i am to them but we have much different views on life so it barely matters
Apr 23, 2018 Being born in a s-----y country plays such a huge part in what kind of person you become tbh.