YouTuber convicted of "hate crime" for teaching his dog a trick

Started by VVebber, Mar 21, 2018, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. VVebber
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    VVebber Banned

    Mar 21, 2018

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  2. nunofherdeiro
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    Mar 21, 2018
    "In the video, which went on to be viewed more than 3 million times, Meechan explains he wanted to turn his girlfriend's pug, Buddha, into the "least cute thing I could think of" and so wanted to turn it into a Nazi."
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    Jul 27, 2024
  3. dna hits
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    Mar 21, 2018
    I saw this yesterday. I think trying to charge him with a hate crime is a little over the top.
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  4. nunofherdeiro
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    Mar 21, 2018
    Its stupid just Like its stupid for someone to turn their pet into a nazi .
    Seriously what the f--- is wrong with people thesedays :fkcurry:
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  5. Bourbon Ben
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    Bourbon Ben Mad pooper

    Mar 21, 2018
    they couldnt just remove the video from youtube lmfao
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    Jul 27, 2024
  6. Edward
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    Mar 21, 2018
    I'm glad he's charged for a hate crime imo he should do 2-5 years minimum. This is a serious offense have yall over played World At War, h--- hounds are no joke.
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  7. dna hits
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    Mar 21, 2018
    A dog reacting in a exciting way to what his owner says deserves 2-5 years minimum? You realize none of these charges are going to stick, right? It’s pathetic seeing people actually get offended by this. It was clearly a joke. A bad joke but still a joke. You can’t tell me you didn’t chuckle wheneve the dog was raising his paw
    nunofherdeiro and Xmipod like this.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  8. Jakepaulerforlifelogang
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    Mar 21, 2018
    Arr they serious? This video was absolutely disgusting and disrespectful he should get a life sentence
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  9. Xmipod
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    Mar 21, 2018
    Lol yall are some p-----s

    World is so soft. It was a bad joke. Man doesnt deserve to go to jail, just remove the video

    It is the UK tho so doesnt suprise me
    Caine, dna hits and nunofherdeiro like this.
    Caine, dna hits and nunofherdeiro like this.
    Jul 27, 2024
  10. nunofherdeiro
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    Mar 21, 2018
    People thesedays are too sensible thanks to the PC bs
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    Caine, Xmipod and Michael Myers like this.
    Jul 27, 2024
  11. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Mar 21, 2018
    I did nazi that coming
    Jul 27, 2024
  12. aquaberryares
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    aquaberryares one time I made sex

    Mar 21, 2018
    "M8 yer dugs a Nazi,"—Scottish argot for "mate, your dog is a Nazi."

    Thank God they rap genius'd this for me
    Caine, Zeugma and Xmipod like this.
    Caine, Zeugma and Xmipod like this.
    Jul 27, 2024
  13. Edward
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    Mar 21, 2018
    Were you guys born this r-----ed or did your mother raise you to be like this?
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  14. Xmipod
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    Mar 21, 2018
    Were you born after 2000? If so I could see why youre such a p----
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    Jul 27, 2024
  15. Edward
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    Mar 21, 2018
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  16. Alchemist34
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    Alchemist34 DO MY HEAD

    Mar 21, 2018

    ^ calls antifa a terrorist organisation
    Jul 27, 2024
  17. Johnny Guitar
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    Mar 21, 2018
    I've been on YouTube for 11 years and this is the exact kind of content I signed up for.
    I thought this was hilarious.
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    Caine and CavalierTD like this.
    Jul 27, 2024
  18. OwI
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    OwI I was riding on a bike on a very late night

    Mar 21, 2018
    Lmfao I'm telling yall! the Jews are running the s----s! And i might have to delete this post really soon
    Caine likes this.
    Caine likes this.
    Jul 27, 2024
  19. CavalierTD
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    Mar 21, 2018
    I'll put out this last video then I'm done with it, 100%, finished, fed up with it, I'm hanging it up, f--- it!
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    Jul 27, 2024
  20. Johnny Guitar
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    Mar 21, 2018
    Me and some friends of mine casually refer to the site as "JewTube" as a joke whenever we're on discord.
    Couple occasions where me and my friends would meet up irl and "JewTube" would slip out in a conversation in public.
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    CavalierTD likes this.
    Jul 27, 2024