Mar 11, 2018 Good choice. Also kinda agree altough I do like it. But like every kendrick album (except gkmc) I don't like it as much as most
Mar 11, 2018 For me its probably got to be House of Balloons, I like it but people keep telling me its amazing I just dont see it
Mar 11, 2018 I do but I see people call it the best album ever while its not even a top 3 ye album for me
Mar 11, 2018 oh its top 3 ye for me for sure. I think it comes down to how unique it is and how replayable it is. It's basic, bare bones but thats what makes it special imo kinda like how melodrama is.
Mar 11, 2018 This is definitely true. But I can't enjoy it more than mbdtf, 808 or graduation -and wtt if its counted- .
Mar 11, 2018 Yeah I like MBDTF and Graduation more, I think LR is better than both graduation and yeezus. Idk I didn't really start liking it until I lost wifi and kept listening to it lmao
Mar 11, 2018 I think with Yeezus its the most abstract Kanye album hands down. IMO Ye top 3 GOAT so maybe thats why I like it so much cause I know all his other albums and recognize how different it is. The production is crazy and epic and random, the lyrics are basic but quotable, and very real and honest and sometimes random as f---. This album is just the perfect representation of Depression and Anger imo.
Mar 11, 2018 So not being in my top 3 isn't strange to you. I think LR is kinda too long/has filler but if it was shorter and deleted some songs I would have it in my top 3 for sure.
Mar 11, 2018 Yeah thats my main issue with LR too, nah some people put Yeezus bottom 3 so no its not that weird
Mar 11, 2018 I can't really think of one cos if i don't like something i just don't like it. d--- is probably my penciled in answer for now