Apr 5, 2018 I don't think he'd be on roids. With how prominent he is and how often he pushes the envelope publicly with everything I think he'd have to be the most transparent fighter out of all of them. They'd be wanting to get him so bad, he'd be getting tested ruthlessly I reckon.
Apr 5, 2018 Lmao at like 5:17 he says “idk if Connor was on drugs or what” but maybe he was on a coke binge. Sort of makes sense. Bringing 30 people to do that is pretty badass though in way. They trashed the bus up good
Apr 5, 2018 dana white has been shat on for years for f---ing up fights and avoiding title fights between fighters. yet an irishman comes along who has broken literally 0 rules and its an absolute f---ing travesty to the sport. brick lesnar is on roids 24/7 and is still allowed in the UFC. Connor's a mad c----
Apr 5, 2018 I'm thinking its bs. Day after he gets stripped of his title and is confirmed returning this year he makes massive headlines. Its UFC wwe booking. They're tryna make him stone cold
Apr 5, 2018 Yeah this could be fake for sure. Almost seems like a staged scenario. Well see if he actually gets arrested and goes through the legal process.
Apr 5, 2018 every normie is talking about this. staged or not, UFC gonna be raking in $$$$$$$ by the end of the week