Sep 4, 2018 Even black people are loving the new MGK diss.. Did Em made a dumbass move by igniting MGk and giving him free publicity. I don't even know how can he handle this situation...
Sep 4, 2018 Firstly no Secondly mgks diss was average at best Thirdly he just committed career suicide and em is about to f--- him anally with no lube
Sep 4, 2018 yes. thankfully. we're gonna find out how real Eminem's aura he's held onto for years really is now. I can't really picture him putting out a really good diss tbh (can't make really good songs anyway) but we'll see.
Sep 4, 2018 If he doesnt respond he looks lame. But it wasnt unprovoked - MGK sub dissed him on a Tech song (No Reason)
Sep 4, 2018 Em has only ever picked on easy targets and would probably never willingly enter a beef he wasn’t guaranteed to win. He took a shot at MGK anticipating that he’d be too nervous/respected him too much to respond and Kelly called his bluff. Em is prolly sweating rn.
Sep 4, 2018 The MKG diss I think any of us in here could of wrote. But it didn't have to be Great, and it covered enough and at least had the balls to say some thing. Personally Eminem HAS TO say something. Or it will open the door for everyone. And it has to happen fast. But I don't think he will sadly. Exciting times though.
Sep 4, 2018 Em will respond. And you young kids thinking em is shook is just lol. Ya'll ain't never heard nail in the coffin? Jesus Christ, em came up as a battle rapper. MGK about to fade off in the sunset.... He's defending his legacy and relevancy at this point. He's gonna bring it.
Sep 4, 2018 I was about to mention The Warning but just realized that the song is nearly a decade old already. Man, time flies. But people said the same thing about Em's music before he put out The Warning. And everybody was like "Oh s--- he finally got rid of the accent and sounds like the old Em again". I don't think MGK did enough to get under Em's skin to get that type of response though.. A lot of it was corny.
Sep 4, 2018 Oscar the grouch wit on the couch Your beard is weird You’re the goat Not a very good diss tbh. I doubt Eminem responds. He probably would have by now. He’s not making an entire song about MGL, how corny is that?