Wrestling Official WWE Thread

Started by Big Dangerous, Nov 24, 2014, in Sports Add to Reading List

  1. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Nov 24, 2014
    Welcome to the Professional Wrestling Thread
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  2. crazybeats
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    Nov 25, 2014
    And then Raw happened and.........many of us just shook our heads.
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  3. tomroe93
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    Nov 25, 2014
    So pissed I didn't go to Survivor Series lol
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  4. Kon
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    Nov 25, 2014
    I thought Survivor Series s----d other than the main event, but with that said the main event was f---in awesome. One thing I didn't like though is Rollins was down for about 5 minutes before the pin, I wish something else happened to him so it looked more 'realistic' or whatever. But still, f---in awesome. The crowd pop didn't sound that huge at first on TV but got a lot better once he was in the ring. The match itself was also great other than Big Show's 1000th heel turn (followed by his 1000th time crying on TV the next night). Rollins and Ziggler were both amazing and holy s--- I'm so happy for Dolph finally getting the push he deserves.

    Curious as to what the big Sting marks like Koolo and Showtime thought of his debut.

    Looks like Sting/HHH at Mania I assume.

    Also, why the f--- is the anonymous GM coming back? So stupid, I'm sure it will eventually lead to the authority's return but no one wants the anonymous GM back plus it was technically revealed as hornswoggle, are we just supposed to forget that? Raw was horrible for the most part.
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  5. theg
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    theg got that pma

    Nov 25, 2014
    reports were initially that sting would come back, screw the authority at SS, and be revealed as GM the next night on raw by vince. who knows though it looks like that changed.
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  6. Kon
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    Nov 25, 2014
    Yeah I read a report that there were many last minute changes to the raw script, never seems to work out well when they do that.
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  7. tomroe93
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    Nov 25, 2014
    I thought the crowd sounded s-----y while watching it on the Network, but someone had posted a crowd video on YouTube (which WWE has removed) and that place was going nuts
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  8. Dan
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    Nov 25, 2014
    I thought raw was good, the annoying anonymous GM was quite clearly intentional to be annoying. Thought Raw was pretty good.

    H did say we'd beg to have them back.
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  9. Kon
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    Nov 25, 2014
    The crowd at raw was one of the worst in recent memory, holy s--- they s----d.

    AJ Lee on the mic was great though, hope they let her talk more, she's always good.

    Is @Balzter here by the way?
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  10. Oldboy
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    Nov 25, 2014
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  11. tomroe93
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    Nov 25, 2014
    Finally found a video. It's a crowd video, but that makes it even more epic IMO
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    Jul 26, 2024
  12. Kon
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    Nov 25, 2014
    ^Even with that video, I still think the crowd was more quiet than they should have been, the section it's filmed in sounds loud but overall there's definitely been much louder pops. Even about a year ago or whatever when Bryan was doing the 'yes' chant on top of the steel cage after leaving the Wyatts, that was probably at least twice as loud as the reaction Sting got.

    Oh well, still a cool moment and curious to see what he does next, guessing he might not show up again until January but who knows.
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  13. tomroe93
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    Nov 25, 2014
    @Kon I think a lot of the problem is a lot of the WWE fans nowadays are young, so besides seeing him in the promotion for the WWE 2k15 video game, they really have no idea who Sting is. When I went to RAW in STL a few months ago it was just a few weeks after WrestleMania and a small "We Want Sting" chant started up and the kids behind me started chanting with them, and then asked their parents who Sting was.
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    Jul 26, 2024
  14. Kon
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    Nov 25, 2014
    What do you guys think of Ryback by the way? I don't think I've ever seen a more awkward forced character than the way he's been lately, doesn't seem natural at all. I don't know if he's just a bad actor or not convincing or what, but holy s--- I can't stand him. His promos are so bad too, hope his current push dies as quickly as his last one did.
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  15. Dan
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    Nov 25, 2014
    I'm certain the crowd was as loud as it could have been. I feel like people don't realize that stadiums like Wrestlemania/Survivor Series it's hard to sound that loud when the arena is that big.
    The DB yes pop was in a smaller arena at a less important ppv iirc.
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    Jul 26, 2024
  16. Kon
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    Nov 25, 2014
    Danny that's not true, Mania is still the only show that's in a bigger arena although I bet that changes next year with summerslam. All the other PPVs and raws/smackdowns are in arenas with 20,000 or less. Survivor Series was in the scotttrade center which is less than 20k, and I saw a report that it wasn't sold out either so probably closer to 15k.

    The DB pop I was talking about was on a raw by the way.
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  17. Pryme
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    Nov 25, 2014
    I felt the Sting appearance was kind of random or that it could have been made to be bigger, but I suppose we would all feel that way since his WWE debut has been fantasized about for so long. Don't get me wrong though I was completely shocked when it happened and it was definitely an out of nowhere moment. Won't mind Sting vs HHH at all!

    @Kon, ryback has been making me lol hard lately. Kind of growing on me.
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  18. tomroe93
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    Nov 25, 2014
    Honestly haven't watched RAW in 3-4 weeks. I've been DVRing it, but based off what I read on twitter/what my friends tell me, it just always seems like a show worth skipping.

    And yeah Scottrade Center isn't a huge venue for a WWE event at all. When I went to RAW in April the crowd was really s-----y there, granted it was also a pretty s-----y show looking back on it. Royal Rumble 2012, on the other hand, the crowd was crazy all night.
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    Jul 26, 2024
  19. Kon
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    Nov 26, 2014
    Tommy, are we still gonna do threads for raws and PPVs or are we just keeping everything in here? I'd prefer to at least have threads for PPVs still assuming we're allowed to, and maybe raws too as long as the threads are semi active, but whatever you guys think is fine too.
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  20. tomroe93
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    Nov 26, 2014
    @Kon I think we should just do PPVs for the time being, unless wrestling gets its own section
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    Jul 26, 2024