Vitamin/Supplement Discussion Thread

Started by eddie313, Apr 30, 2018, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. eddie313
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    eddie313 The Funeral

    Apr 30, 2018
    This is for the health gurus on SXN 80. What are your favorite vitamins or detoxs that work for you? I take a multivitamin and a Ester-C immune vitamin...once a week I'll take a b-complex by itself. Other than that I stopped taking protein drinks/shakes for the gym cause its better to just eat more protein. I rarely get sick and I think its because I consistently take vitamins. I do smoke OG weed strains from time to time not daily but no cigs/tobacco. I'm not completely health conscious but remember that your value of life determines the quality of your life. Who here has beat cancer or knows someone who has?? Knowledge is power...


    Here's a list of essential vitamins needed daily...,,20506267,00.html
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  2. eddie313
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    eddie313 The Funeral

    Apr 30, 2018
    Do you smoke/drink?
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  3. eddie313
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    eddie313 The Funeral

    Apr 30, 2018
    Thats one reason right there why you dont need vitamins other than what he get from your diet
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  4. dna hits
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    Apr 30, 2018
    Vitamin d you can’t go wrong with. At least according to my doctor. Sometimes I take vitamin b-complex too on occasions if I’m not eating as much or as healthy. Quit drinking Soda, coffee, usually stick to water or some powerade when tired of water.

    I recommend buying one of those fruit blenders. After the gym or a day at work, it’s very refreshing and healthy. I usually add a banana, some Greek yogurt, sometimes a apple with a little milk of course. It can get a little pricy for me to do multiple times everyday but I recommend and have some BCAA (amino acid) powder on the side, if you need something for after the gym or a workout. I got a good site to use for that and other protein powers in B*** that’s way better and cheaper than gnc’s overly priced protein powder. If anyone wants the link lmk.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  5. RG9
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    Apr 30, 2018
    I take creatine, BCAAS, multivitamins & Omega 3 tablets. I also add protein powder to my post-workout shake. These obviously supplement my diet as I try to get all the nutrition from food, but I’m quite busy so it’s more convenient.

    And I drink a f--- load of water. Couldn’t recommend that enough.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
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    Jul 27, 2024
  6. dna hits
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    Apr 30, 2018
    Not liking your post in return until we play a soccer game one on one sometime.

    Surprised you know about bcaa’s; good s--- man. What kind of creatine you take? After research when I want to store water weight and B*** a little I use creatine monohydrate. Check this site out they’re legit and use to have this legal synthetic superdrol s--- that actually would get you big and worked but looking back I was too young to take something that strong. Even though I didn’t stay on it more than 60 days. Gained like 20 lbs within 3.5 weeks and couple friends tried it and half similar success. You could have a heavy lift session but you still felt like lifting more even after you did all your workouts. The only major thing is correct pct i had stuff to keep most of the gains but my one buddy didn’t take it serious and lost close to 20 pounds just quitting beastdrol with barely any pct. I think I mentioned beaststrol to maybe @Msolo ? when the original beastdrol was at its peak and still legal.

    I really wish I saved a few bottles. I see a couple original packaged ones randomly on eBay from time to time but it’s usually like $150 for a bottle and who knows if it’s actually the real original beastdrol but people buy it quick and never last online long.
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  7. RG9
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    Apr 30, 2018
    I use creatine monohydrate too. Currently trying to gain weight so trying to pack in as many calories as possible, regardless of the source. Only been taking gym/dieting a bit more seriously for about half a year now, but I’ve always been kinda fit because I play football a lot. So I hope you’re ready for this 1v1
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  8. dna hits
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    Apr 30, 2018
    I’m not in good enough running shape for full game. Give me until June. Then the match is on.

    That’s smart getting monohydrate. It was my favorite creatine. Ik GNC employees after research on a fitness forum they don’t get commission off it and that’s why they try and get people to try the more newer expensive creatine that they receive comission off of.

    Sometimes protein wise I’ll buy a B*** of gnc’s gold whey standard protein. It’s not horribly priced and has some good science reviews behind the product.

    Do people here actually use a preworkout before lifting? I throw up easy and get an upset stomach these days trying to down some of that nasty tasting powder workout s---. I tried a buddies pre workout once but felt too sick in my stomach while lifting and felt edgy, unformortable overall. Is there any new safe pre workouts that anyone recommends? Thinking about giving one a try sometime to keep me going faster at the gym.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
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    Jul 27, 2024
  9. Webber
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    Webber Unbanned

    Apr 30, 2018
    Vitamin D, because you can't really get enough of it from diet alone and too much sun exposure can be dangerous. From a researcher I trust:
    Also fish oil with a decent amount of EPA & DHA unless seafood is a regular part of your diet.
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  10. eddie313
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    eddie313 The Funeral

    Apr 30, 2018
    Ya fish oil is really good to take...I take that few times a week...its suppose to go with exercise...I take a probiotic juice also that helps with digestion and replaces bad bacteria in the guts
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