Sep 11, 2018 Em was able to admit that relapse was not up to par after only a year, how long will it take for Em to admit that Revival is an awful album? Or will he just keep blaming it on people not giving it a chance? I say it’ll take another two years
Sep 11, 2018 The way he talks about it, I honestly don’t think he will. He seems to have a weird attachment to it.
Sep 11, 2018 He’s in a bubble. He thinks every else is wrong. You guys didn’t understand the album, people wrote it off because of the track list, etc. No, it just s----d. Honestly, Relapse is better than Revival.
Sep 11, 2018 Yea but that was because he's moving on from it because we the listener didn't understand it and judged it by the tracklist before it came out and can't come to grips that Eminem is making strides at differentiating himself from modern hip hop This was all said by eminem btw He's delusional btw
Sep 11, 2018 Yeah, I don't know if I think he sees it as a great album or anything. Like the way he said he needed it to make Kamikaze like he said he needed Relapse to make Recovery gives me the impression he's acknowledging it's not good because it helped him make a better album. I dunno, I don't really care tbh ha
Sep 11, 2018 Probably cuz lyrically there's some good stuff there. I'm sure some of it meant a lot to him. I do feel it was meant to be his own 4:44 type album, but it unfortunately missed the mark. He does seem to understand that his albums were too poppy sounding, and has changed that, so I believe he gets the criticism, but as for what he talked about, it's not so bad. I don't think he should write off the entire album just cuz some on the internet like to paint it with such a broad brush in calling it "trash" or "garbage." There were some great songs on there. As an album, it wasn't so good. A bloated middle where it strayed off course a fair bit, production-wise. But I respect him for standing by the album. Frankly, despite it's short-coming, I think Revival will age better than some might think. That being said, I'm very glad he seems to be pushing Paul's opinions to the side and getting with more current producers.
Sep 11, 2018 its good he doesn't think it's bad. That is why we got Kamikaze. Why would he get mad if he knew he made a s-----y album?
Sep 11, 2018 I'm not joking fitz, the man says he does a dab and sniffs his farts not sure how he worded it exactly tho
Sep 11, 2018 i really hope he sticks with being himself, because God his music/lyrics were f---ing atrocious at times over the years.
Sep 12, 2018 Never. Because it's not garbage. Like I said before, the year that s--- came out, it gave me a freshness because all the s--- was basically sounding the same, bunch of guys mumbling throughout the whole album on trap beats. Revival was pretty good. Walk on water, believe, castle and arose were flawless songs to me. Specially, castle and arose. h---, whenever I hear arose, it almost makes me cry. Those 2 are better than anything released in 2017 anyway. Even the weakest songs like remind me, river, tragic endings, heat, need me weren't really bad to me. Those were the fillers in the album but had some good lines, they were enjoyable. You guys listen to Gucci g--- for f---'s sake, revival is like a god's work when you have those songs that are about nothing and barely have a line that means anything at all.