Eminem Was Revival a result of label pressure from Interscope?

Started by Groovy Tony, Apr 12, 2018, in Eminem Add to Reading List

  1. Groovy Tony
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    Groovy Tony Grandma's baby Eddie Kane

    Apr 12, 2018
    It's widely known that this album was his first solo effort in 4 years. The sentiment throughout his newer interviews talking about the album was that he felt like he needed to put an album out after so much time. It is also known that he was unable to work with Dre during the beginning stages of the album because he was taking a break. Not only Dre but there's been mentions of planned rap features that "didn't work out". So with all that being said, and the general theme of insecurity and uncertainty in the album led by Walk on Water, it makes me wonder if the label played a part in the album being so bad, pushing Em to release something that would appeal to the charts.

    The features were 99% pop artists. As much as it seems like that's who he only collaborates with nowadays, he's had no more than 4 features who could be considered as such on each album since Relapse. He has 8 pop features on Revival which is not only alarming but out of character. This was also the first album in his career to not feature a rapper with a verse.

    The crux of this album is it's insistence of outdoing Relapse and building on the success of Recovery. It's the last of the Re- trilogy. This somewhat explains why there's songs that sound like Recovery leftovers, a tracklist that is dominated by pop artists, and an awkwardly placed Relapse inspired song in Framed.

    But it creates even more questions. Why did he double down and make an album that is so similar to Recovery yet even more forced, more pop friendly, and more poorly sequenced? What compelled Em to put songs like Believe, Castle, and Arose on an album with songs like Heat, Need Me, and Remind Me? The answer could be so he pleases all his fans with something for everybody. Or it really could be that he picked songs that would appease the label in that they would chart based on their pop appeal. There's lines off MMLP2 (his best post hiatus album don't @ me) that come to mind when I assess Revival.

    "They want me to flip at the label, but I won't succumb to it
    The pressure, they want me to follow up with
    Another one, after Recovery was so highly coveted
    But what good is a f---in recovery if I fumble it?
    Cause I'ma drop the ball if I don't get a grip

    These 5 bars just might be a foreshadowing of Revival. The success of Recovery being so immense due to LTWYL and the project's pop appeal has Interscope pressuring Em to come out of hiatus and continue to rinse and repeat the formula. As big as Eminem is, even he doesn't have complete freedom to do what he wants while signed to a major.

    Revival comes off as a half-hearted effort to top the charts like his did with Recovery. The sequencing is so bad, it seems that he just threw songs on the middle of the album that's skeleton consisted of WOW, Believe, In Your Head, Castle, and Arose. Compared to those 5 tracks, the majority of the rest are inferior and seem like pandering to the billboard top 100.

    Chloraseptic - attempt to take on the mumble rap trap trend

    River - attempt to recreate LTWYL success

    Like Home - attempt to create political radio friendly song with a hot button issue

    Tragic Endings - attempt to recreate LTWYL success

    Nowhere Fast - attempt to create political radio friendly song

    Need Me - attempt to recreate LTWYL success

    The fact is that the nucleus of this album is so poorly put together and forced leads me to believe that Eminem not only treated Revival like a chore but isn't the only one to blame for the failure of this album. The rollout, the delays, and the tracklist might have all been the fault of the label.

    And if he goes to Def Jam as anticipated and puts out a solid body of work that's true to the hip hop sound he claims to be passionate about, then the forced pop crossovers that have been prevalent since Recovery and came to a head with Revival were all Interscope's doing. They were the reason the ball was dropped.

    TL/DR - Probably
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
    Oct 6, 2024
  2. eddie313
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    eddie313 The Funeral

    Apr 12, 2018
    Jimmy Iovine left and old heads left...about time Em left that pop hole...is Aftermath still with them?
    Oct 6, 2024
  3. Boos
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    Boos Nova Nation

    Apr 12, 2018
    You typed all that up but he’s been making the same music since 2010 but just getting progressively more out of touch
    Oct 6, 2024
  4. Groovy Tony
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    Groovy Tony Grandma's baby Eddie Kane

    Apr 12, 2018
    h--- The Sequel and MMLP2 weren't nearly as bottom of the barrel as this album was
    Oct 6, 2024
  5. Big Dangerous
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    Apr 12, 2018
    s--- thread ban op
    Oct 6, 2024
  6. Groovy Tony
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    Groovy Tony Grandma's baby Eddie Kane

    Apr 12, 2018
    Its better than your threads about ghetto milkshakes and ignorant hip hop opinions
    Oct 6, 2024
  7. GCasper
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    Apr 12, 2018
    Here to stay
    Even when I'm gone
    When I close my eyes
    Through the passage of time
    Kings never die
    I can hear the drummer drumming
    And the trumpets, someone's tryna summon someone, I know something's coming
    But I'm running from it to be standing at the summit
    And plummet, how come it wasn't what I thought it was, was it
    Too good to be true?
    Have nothing, get it all but too much of it then lose it again
    Did I swallow hallucinogens, 'cause if not, where the h--- did it go?
    'Cause here I sit in Lucifer’s den by the dutch oven just choosing to sin
    Even if it means I'm selling my soul, just to be the undisputed again
    Do whatever I gotta do just to win

    'Cause I got this motherfucking cloud over my head
    Crown around it, thorns on it
    Cracks in it, bet you morons didn't
    Think I'd be back, did ya?

    How 'bout that I’m somehow now back to the underdog
    But no matter how loud that I bark, this sport is something I never bow-wow'd at
    I complain about the game, I shout and I pout, it's a love-hate
    But I found out that I can move a mountain of doubt
    Even when you b------s are counting me out, and I appear to be down for the count
    Only time I ever been out and about is
    Driving around town with my f---ing whereabouts in a doubt
    'Cause I been lost tryna think of what I did to get here but I'm not a quitter
    Gotta get up, give it all I got or give up
    Spit on, s--- on, stepped on, but kept going I'm tryna be headstrong
    But it feels like I slept on my neck wrong
    'Cause you're moving onto the next, but is the respect gone?
    'Cause someone told me that
    (Kings never die)
    0 0
    Oct 6, 2024
  8. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Apr 12, 2018
    says no one ever I assure you

    you cant f--- w/ me tone

    back down
    Oct 6, 2024
  9. Winter
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    Winter Super Comfy

    Apr 12, 2018
    OP is reading too much into but yeah, he's a popstar of course that's a part of it, but another is general lack of faith in his own abilities. He's been pumping out vapid sellout music since at least Recovery, which was almost definitely made in response to the lukewarm response and sales of Relapse, a project made up almost entirely of him making the music he wanted to make at the time, for better or worse.
    Oct 6, 2024
  10. joeyp363
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    Apr 12, 2018
    Lol whatever he did he needs to do it again cuz this album slaps. It's a classic and his best one yet.
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    modli and Buddha like this.
    Oct 6, 2024
  11. thunderface
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    Apr 12, 2018
    People can be as dismissive of this notion as they like (for Likes!) but I think this is quite possibly true. You also have to figure Em might've been in the loop about Paul taking on the role of CEO at Def Jam long before any one else. I think Em is planning to make a big splash with his first album on Def Jam (and possibly his final album), and has been saving the best for last, so to speak. Last single off Revival may just be Believe and will leave those words in our heads as we wait and wonder if Em still has anything amazing in store for us after the rather lacklustre Revival: Do you still believe ... in Em?

    With the taste of Revival still in people's mouths, a lot of people may feel the answer is a firm No. But guess who likes to be the underdog? Em will be back to prove the haters/critic wrong cuz there is nothing more dangerous than a hungry Mr. Mathers.
    SLAYAR, froboy6942 and Groovy Tony like this.
    SLAYAR, froboy6942 and Groovy Tony like this.
    Oct 6, 2024
  12. JFK
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    JFK Bleach on my t-shirt

    Apr 12, 2018
    Wow I think you're onto something
    Oct 6, 2024
  13. Groovy Tony
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    Groovy Tony Grandma's baby Eddie Kane

    Apr 12, 2018
    I breathe life into this sxn all you do is post about how bad Em is while being the most active poster in the sxn
    DoubleABD likes this.
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    Oct 6, 2024
  14. Groovy Tony
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    Groovy Tony Grandma's baby Eddie Kane

    Apr 12, 2018
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    Oct 6, 2024
  15. Big Dangerous
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    Big Dangerous World Heavyweight Champion

    Apr 12, 2018
    Keep talking Tone I make one phone call and all your ppl are gone tomorrow be warned this forum turf war s--- is no game
    airmax and RetiredAccount like this.
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    Oct 6, 2024
  16. THE SAGA
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    THE SAGA Banned

    Apr 12, 2018
    Why man? Why you gotta go at a man's root beer float?
    0 0
    Oct 6, 2024
  17. Disorderly Progress
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    Disorderly Progress This goldfish bowl gets old.

    Apr 12, 2018
    I think so yes but Em is weak and easily manipulated and led it seems, it's like he doesnt know what he wants to hear now so is letting hits and popular perception drive it. I bet he was fine with all the pop s---, he probably thinks it's what people want from the sales. But doesnt seem to realise he's catering to pop fans, not his fans. I just dont think he has any vision, hes said himself he doesnt know how to act. He has no idea of what he wants to sound like, hes just desperately trying to please people... which is a tragic ending for the once mr dont give a f---.
    Guma, David26, Groovy Tony and 4 others like this.
    Guma, David26, Groovy Tony and 4 others like this.
    Oct 6, 2024
  18. Buddha
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    Apr 12, 2018
    Wait a second, Em signed with Def Jam? I left the forum for a few months after revival dropped so I missed everything between December and April.

    When was this announced? I didn’t realize he’s no longer with Interscope. What about Aftermath? Is he not still signed to Aftermath?
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    SHUDEYE Kerser is the sickest.

    Apr 13, 2018
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    Oct 6, 2024
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    SHUDEYE Kerser is the sickest.

    Apr 13, 2018
    Continously asking questions about irrelevant minor things generally from a year plus ago isn't breathing life into anything. Your threads are garbage. You just made one about if drakes the biggest rapper ever. He's not and everyone knows that. So why bother?
    0 0
    Oct 6, 2024