How much value remains with music critics?

Started by Mike Tyson, Jul 12, 2018, in Music Add to Reading List

Do you care less about music reviews than you did previously?

  1. Yes

  2. No, I still rely on them

  3. I never cared for reviews to begin with

  1. Mike Tyson
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    Mike Tyson big cuntry's alias

    Jul 12, 2018
    The landscape of music has shifted dramatically over the last decade, with the both the blog era and streaming era coming back to back. What happened as a result of this shift was that the cost, and barriers to access music were diminished in to an affordable subscription service. So we're now in an era where the consumer can instantly listen to a project themselves, rather than to rely on the long winded opinion of another to see if it's worth their investment.

    Rap blogs are now dying (and dead moving forward) as well, and even established publications like Complex recognize the shift in landscape, and have started developing daily video content. The stock on this type of content delivery is up and rising. That's why we are now in a situation where the most influential critic in rap is... Anthony Fantano?

    So I guess my question is, how much do you value music critics now, as compared to previous? Do you rely on them to see whether or not you should check for a project, or do you go ahead and listen to decide for yourself if you like it?
    Jul 27, 2024
  2. Mike Tyson
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    Mike Tyson big cuntry's alias

    Jul 12, 2018
    An example of reviews I do still value: video games. If I'ma drop $60 USD (and $80 CAD) on a video game, I'm hesitant until I see how it's generally received. But if video games shifted to a subscription service where I could just try every game for myself and decide, then I would never check a review again in my life.

    With music though, I don't care what a n----- with twitter clout says about it. My opinion on a project is roughly decided before reviews even come out.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  3. Poohdini
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    Jul 12, 2018
    I’ll check a handful after I listen to a project just to see how different people are reacting to it but that’s about it
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    LLLMMMMFFFFFAAAAAAOOOOOO humans are just recycled star dust

    Jul 12, 2018
    Well with dudes like @JMG & @WPG in the review game now it means nothing
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    Jul 27, 2024
  5. Lil Squeed
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    Jul 12, 2018
    tbh I'm only ever interested in Fantano, Big Quint (even though calling him a "critic" is a reach), and Pitchfork ratings

    but I check them more out of curiosity than actually deciding whether I like something or not
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    Jul 27, 2024
  6. WPG
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    Jul 12, 2018
    criticism as criticism is crucial and always will be. critics and traditional magazines haven't been the key gatekeepers since like '05. good reviews are still key to get artists booking agents, management, and indie deals, but far fewer magazines than ever have vigorous criticism sections, which means there's very little institutional power behind an outlet saying "we [the outlet] are the final say in rap music."

    i think the people who care seriously about arts criticism follow specific critics more than magazines, which has always been the case to a degree, but is true now more than ever.
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    Jul 27, 2024
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    LLLMMMMFFFFFAAAAAAOOOOOO humans are just recycled star dust

    Jul 12, 2018
    Big quint the worst YouTube reactor not only is he close minded but he's bland every review is the same
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    Jul 27, 2024
  8. Enigma
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    Jul 12, 2018
    Pretty much what y’all said. I only read reviews after i’ve listened to a project just to get different perspectives. I try to stay away from people’s opinions about projects before I listen for myself.
    Jul 27, 2024
  9. Mike Tyson
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    Mike Tyson big cuntry's alias

    Jul 12, 2018
    Yeah, and in other mediums, good reviews are key in securing future investments for sequels (video games example: The Order 1886 was DOA due to poor reviews, and God of War is guaranteed a trilogy now with the way it's reboot was received).

    But my observation was that reviews in music hardly resonate with the consumer anymore. It's a different landscape than '5 mics in the Source'.
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    Jul 27, 2024
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    LLLMMMMFFFFFAAAAAAOOOOOO humans are just recycled star dust

    Jul 12, 2018
    Notice how he keeps saying "magazines" who realistically kept up with magazine subscriptions for music reviews? When? The 80s? LOL the internet has been prominent the entire 2000s you just don't wanna say "nobody cares about traditional online review outlets like pitchfork anymore" because you landed a position after people stopped following
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    LLLMMMMFFFFFAAAAAAOOOOOO humans are just recycled star dust

    Jul 12, 2018
    YouTubers blowing p4k, xxl and all standard online review outlets OUT OF THE WATER. People with no journalism experience just a YouTube account and a camera THAT is the review game now that is what people follow and literally "subscribe" to
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    Jul 27, 2024
  12. Xmipod
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    Jul 12, 2018
    Music taste is subjective so I never care for other peoples opinions. Theres not one person I know that shares the same opinions as I do
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  13. Xmipod
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    Jul 12, 2018
    I do love watching Quints reaction videos tho
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  14. Mike Tyson
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    Mike Tyson big cuntry's alias

    Jul 12, 2018

    but then I enjoyed this review a lot, so idk. I do still value opinion pieces on music, but they just gotta resonate with me.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  15. Boos
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    Jul 12, 2018
    These days I like throwback reviews that are revisiting albums from like 5-10 years ago and seeing how things still hold up and how an artists trajectory has changed, more than I care for reviews on recent releases
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    Jul 27, 2024
  16. Mike Tyson
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    Mike Tyson big cuntry's alias

    Jul 12, 2018
    stilll a classic :narshdab:

    Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at 10.40.20 a.m..png

    Jul 27, 2024
  17. Boos
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    Jul 12, 2018
    d---, best review i've read this year.

    and hahahahahhahahahahha is that f---ing Narsh :laff::laff::laff:
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    Jul 27, 2024
  18. Jakey
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    Jul 12, 2018
    The only reviews I read/watch are on Youtube. Havent read an article in at least a year. And of course I read posts from here.

    I do value critics, they can influence me if I agree with what they say.
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    Jul 27, 2024
  19. Mike Tyson
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    Mike Tyson big cuntry's alias

    Jul 12, 2018
    yeah word i made that s--- when he was still active here and it was still under my saved emojis :laff:

    speaking about reviews and narsh tho, shout out to his beastmode 2 review:
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    Jul 27, 2024
  20. WPG
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    Jul 12, 2018
    @Mike Tyson i would point out that the language in your poll suggests you're mostly interested in criticism insofar as reviews can be consumer guides. am i wrong?

    you're just babbling; anyone reading my post knew exactly what i meant
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    Jul 27, 2024