M Solo's OFFCIAL Nutrition and Fitness AMA Thread

Started by M Solo, Jul 17, 2020, in Life Add to Reading List

  1. M Solo
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    M Solo Fresh Outta London

    Jul 17, 2020
    So I went down the rabbit hole at RB last night and came across this same thread I made there 13 years ago. While it was good information at the time(and far better than most fitness professionals give out today) I still cringed hard AF at almost all of the advice I gave out. I guess that's the problem with evolving and improving.

    Either way I need to redeem myself so if you're trying to lose weight, get shredded, whatever- I'm literally one of the best in the world at what I do and I'll give away any and everything in this thread. Take advantage of it.
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    Mar 14, 2025
  2. Boos
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    Jul 17, 2020
    What’s more important to staying in shape — working out or eating right? Obviously a mixture of both I assume. I just feel like a fat a--- (Not actually one though) lately because I did most of my cardio by playing ball like 3-4 times a week, but now I can’t since it’s Rona szn. I’ve been going for runs, but I f---ing hate it tbh.
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    Mar 14, 2025
  3. M Solo
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    M Solo Fresh Outta London

    Jul 17, 2020

    You are correct in that they both compliment each other nicely but ultimately nutrition is going to be far more important. You cannot out work a bad diet.
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    Mar 14, 2025
  4. Chrollo
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    Jul 18, 2020
    Is there any food or supplements you can recommend a vegetarian like me? I'm in pretty good shape and work out regularly but I feel like I'm kinda reaching my limit in muscle growth because I don't eat too well
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  5. icecube
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    Jul 18, 2020
    I've been dipping in and out of diets over the last few years. 3 years ago I lost 4 stone (25kg or 55 pounds). But over the last 18months I've put half of that back on.

    I lost my daily workout routine when I changed jobs and then started eating bad.

    Anyway, my question is; how do you stick to a nutritional diet? Do you not want to just binge and eat a burger and fries and snack on crap like crisps/chips and things like chocolate 7 days a week?
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    Mar 14, 2025
  6. Mikey
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    Jul 18, 2020
    any suggestiosn to improve my diet?

    9am- Oatmeal (4scoops) Banana with water. 40 almonds
    12 - Canned salmon(213g) with Tomotoes,Banana,almonds. Coffee
    3 - Protein Shake,4 eggs. 10 almonds,Banana,10 almonds,water
    7 - Salmon or chicken, Brocculli, coffee

    Ive changed my diet a few months to quite low on carbs. Energy is very good. Im at 70kg always find that is my ideal weight. I'm 5"8.
    Ive become quite addicted to almonds so my fats may be too high lol
    Mar 14, 2025
  7. RetiredAccount
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    Jul 19, 2020
    I’m struggling to lose some weight. Dropped from 300 to 270 and I’m trying to get down to 220. I walk 10-15 miles a day but I stopped losing weight.
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  8. RetiredAccount
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    Jul 19, 2020
    Also, is 220 even a good weight for 6’5”? My BMI now at 270 is technically obese but I only look mildly chubby.
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  9. Mimi
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    Jul 24, 2020
    If I can recommend minimalist baker For some decent meals. Tofu, seitan and tempeh for easy protein in meals.
    make sure you press and marinate your s---. MFers wouldn’t eat meat without adding some spices, same for us. r/veganfitness for advice/help and myprotein has a decent section of vegetarian/vegan protein powders
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    Mar 14, 2025
  10. Chrollo
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    Jul 24, 2020
    Thank you! I will look into this stuff
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  11. Chrollo
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    Jul 24, 2020
    So I assume M Solo won't answer us :emoji_thinking: Gr8 thread dude
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    Mar 14, 2025
  12. Fire Squad
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    Jul 24, 2020
    It’s mostly from what you eat, we all have different metabolisms. In some cases you can walk or do some crazy interval training but it won’t yield those drastic results.

    See what could work for you, possibly cut certain calories and try seeing if either a low carb or low fats diet is right for you. Examine how your body reacts and if any changes do end up happening. They most important thing is that you feel healthy!
    Mar 14, 2025
  13. M.I.C.
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    Jul 24, 2020
    The stretching advice you gave me in like 2008 literally saved my knees
    Mar 14, 2025
  14. Jay Zeus
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    Jul 24, 2020
    b----, I got diverticulitis (Unofficially) and nothing goes down right like a geriatric harlot with dentures. Pain 1989.
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    Mar 14, 2025
  15. Mimi
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    Mimi the art of doing nothing

    Jul 26, 2020
    Once you know where to look it becomes a lot easier. I would even recommend r/vegan and just typing in the search bar 'protein' . I was vegetarian from 16 - 26, 26 - now (31) Ive been vegan. If you ever have any questions or anything, never hesitate to ask, Im always more than happy to help. Just also wanna say thank you ❤︎ your diet choices mean a lot ❤︎

    I dont know if you use tofu much, but its greet to have a designated tea towel or two to press your tofu in. And ALWAYS marinate tofu after pressing.
    Mar 14, 2025
  16. Chrollo
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    Jul 26, 2020
    Will do that! I've been a vegetarian for almost one and a half years but I'm also a notoriously bad eater and I rarely cook for myself. But since the lockdown I got more into vegetarian cuisine and I'm trying to get the best out of it, instead of just sticking to the same old meals :emoji_sweat_smile: And nice that you made the jump to veganism! We shouldn't close our eyes when it comes to animals suffering because of the excessive consumation of meat.
    Mar 14, 2025
  17. icecube
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    Jul 26, 2020
    @M Solo lots of people left hanging here at the moment man.
    Mar 14, 2025
  18. Ricky
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    Jul 26, 2020
    @M Solo I'm skinny and no matter how much I eat I'm not gaining any weight. I need some advices. I need to get shredded.
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    Mar 14, 2025
  19. M Solo
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    M Solo Fresh Outta London

    Jul 26, 2020
    I will answer every single question in this thread. I was overwhelmed with new clients this week. My bad guys.

    No questions will be ignored though I promise you all that.
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    Fire Squad, Mimi, Chrollo and 6 others like this.
    Mar 14, 2025
  20. M Solo
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    M Solo Fresh Outta London

    Jul 26, 2020
    So this is a great question to show where my current stance on nutrition is and has been for about the last decade. What you posted appears to be a text book "clean" diet. Some of you may remember I used to subscribe to the clean eating thing but unfortunately I was way off the mark(the entire industry was and tbh MOST still are).

    The fact of the matter is there are no good or bad foods. Our body does not have an indicator that goes "That was a clean food. We're storing that as muscle" or "Well you just ate a Snickers bar so we're storing that as fat." Our bodies are smart as h--- but they are not that smart. The ONLY thing our bodies give a s--- about are numbers. Your calories HAVE to be on point for your goals and from there your macronutrients(Protein, Carbs and fats) MUST be partitioned correctly. So what I practice along with every single client who comes to me is called flexible dieting. It's also known as IIFYM(If It Fits Your Macros) but I don't use that term because of the negative connotations that come along with it.

    Essentially, flexible dieting means that you have a set, daily macronutrient allowance and so long as you hit your numbers it does not matter where the food comes from. It's the ideal way to diet in my eyes because it is second to none when it comes to efficiency as well as sustainability. What you'll find is there are a LOT of "dirty foods" that you can actually fit into a diet and on the flipside there are a lot of "clean" foods that are loaded with calories unbeknownst to the poor individual who thinks they are eating healthy.

    Why did I tell you all of this? Because I have no idea if your diet is good or bad. If you get the time what you should is download MyFitnessPal and track a single day on your diet. It's super easy to use and shows all of your macronutrient totals. Once you do that come back to this thread and let me know your macro totals along with your height, weight and age and I'll be happy to advise you from there!
    Mar 14, 2025